“DARE is the top selling book for anxiety in America. It has over 1,500 five star reviews on Amazon and costs $17 to buy online. If you suffer from Anxiety or Panic Attacks? Then You Need To Read This Bestselling Book ASAP”
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A Perfect 5-Star Rating On Amazon
Over 1,000 Reviews by Paying Customers on Amazon For This #1 Best-Seller
My name is Sam and DARE Has Given My Life Back!
First off, I know what your thinking are all these reviews written by people who work for the company. I don't blame you I was in your shoes 5 months ago. My anxiety and panic attacks started 2 years ago when I fell at work, lost my best friend, lost money in my business and was having our third child my walls were caving in everywhere I looked. But because of DARE my family, business and health is the best its ever been. This book will transform your life. I have become more courageous, brave and learned to treat myself the same way I treat the people I love.
His method saved my life, since I've recovered I went from being agoraphobic to getting married, starting a business, riding motorcycles (yes riding motorcycles), having a child, creating a super successful career, running a marathon, finding a strength and peace I didn't have even before I got ill.
I had spent thousands of dollars going to multiple therapists, hypnotherapists, new age methods, NLP, buddhist monks, priests, medication, vitamins, cranio sacral this that, you name it! Nothing seemed to work.. I actually seemed to be getting worse. I ended up unable to leave my house, sleep, barely eat, etc.. What happened to me?!
Literally within the first day I learned how to face panic. No one ever taught me this before. Other ineffective therapies told me to deep breathe, relax, look into my childhood, blah blah blah.. Barry's method was simple.. It took courage, but I had hit a bottom and was willing to do anything. This method worked, and I was a very severe case..
I find myself getting anxious and thinking back to what I read and being able to calm down and not let it stop me. I had stopped working on my business at all - every time I thought of working on it, I would have an anxiety attack. After reading this, I forced myself to get back to it, gave myself a goal and a deadline, and made both. This is huge for me - I was afraid I wouldn't be able to start up again.
I found this book and it helped immediately. I've had zero focus lately so I didn't even read all the way through (I can't seem to finish anything - if I put a book down even once, I have trouble going back to it), but what I did read made a huge difference.
From a busy businesswoman actively involved in my children's schools, a person who loves to travel and eat out and drive, I literally became homebound, scared of being left alone for even a second
I took the very steps towards reclaiming my life and I am forever grateful to Mr. McDonagh. As soon as I saw his new book, I grabbed a pre-order copy and now I've gotten another copy so I can carry it with me on my kindle.
I am a psychologist and Clinical Training Director supervising interns and trainees for many years in a community based mental health program. We have made DARE required reading for all of them.
There are definitely many, many good books on treating anxiety, but this one best captures and integrates the most valuable parts of most other approaches, but EMPHASIZES the key treatment dynamic that many books miss: "RUNNING TOWARD" the source of one's fears. McDonagh writes about this in a very readable and simple to apply way, which makes it perfect for most clients. I have my own history of anxiety recovery and all the BEST things that have worked for me over the years are right here in DARE.
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“I tired everything, meditation, tai-Chi, yoga. Nothing. I couldn't beat it...then I read just five words in his book and that’s it, I am done. No more anxiety attacks!”
“Craig Ballantyne is a successful business owner and expert fitness coach. He's a contributing author to Men’s Health magazine, and a member of the Training Advisory Board for Maximum Fitness and Oxygen magazines.”
Who is Barry McDonagh
Barry McDonagh is a best-selling author and creator of the DARE program. To date, he has helped over 200,000 people free themselves from anxiety and panic attacks through his work and trainings.
His first book Panic Away (2001) sold 80,000 copies. His second, DARE (2015) has sold more than 200,000 copies and remains the highest rated book on Amazon and Good Reads for helping people overcome anxiety.
His work has been featured in Huff Post, Vice and GQ, and he has appeared on numerous TV programmes in the USA, Australia and the UK, including the BBC documentary Anxiety and Me.
“I tired everything, meditation, tai-Chi, yoga. Nothing. I couldn't beat it...then I read just five words in his book and that’s it, I am done. No more anxiety attacks!”
CRAIG BALLANTYNE, CSCS, MS. A fitness expert for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines
What You'll Learn In This FREE Book:
How Business Owners Can End Anxiety and Panic Fast.
The Exact Blueprint Thousands of People Have Used to Overcome Anxiety.
Why Ending Anxiety Is the Most Important Focus for Any Successful Entrepreneur
"I cannot begin to tell you how much this book has helped. It is a totally different approach to anything I've been told before. Also, Barry keeps in touch via social media and emails which I think is going that extra mile to help people. If you are suffering please buy it."
Janet B. Verified Client
Who is Barry McDonagh
- Barry McDonagh is the highest rated author for anxiety on Amazon, Audible and Goodreads.com
- His work has been featured on BBC, Vice, Huffington Post and T.V across America.
- Barry has been advising Founders and CEO’s on overcoming anxiety for over 10 years.
- Barry has written 4 books which have been read by over 250,000 people including many highly successful entrepreneurs and founders.
- Barry specializes in getting Entrepreneurs fast results so they can get back to growing their business and living life!
I was terrified to travel for business, I thought all sorts of wild things that terrified me.
This book has had such a profoundly positive impact on my life I had to share. I am 36 and never had any anxiety issues until one day, out of the blue 7 months ago, I had my first panic attack - probably a bad reaction to oral steroids I was taking, although didn't know it at the time.
I am a mental health practitioner and I have recommended this book to several clients with Panic Disorder. They have found the book to be extremely helpful, giving them a new understanding of anxiety and how avoiding and fearing anxiety only leads to more suffering. They also appreciated that the book was written by someone who has experienced Panic, and not a mental health professional. Mr. McDonagh draws from several sources, including Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and I also recommend ACT self help books and the work of Dr. Reid Nelson to clients who want a fresh, evidence based approach to the treatment of anxiety.
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