
Successful Business Owners: How Would You Like A Proven, Laser-Focused, FAST Approach To Permanently Overcome Your Anxiety Issues…

Letting You Regain Your Confidence, Reduce Stress… And Run, Grow And Manage Your Business Without Fear!

From the desk of: Barry McDonagh

Running your own business is exciting. Challenging. Rewarding…

But it can be stressful.

Working long hours, calling all the shots, being responsible for your employees…

For many, the anxiety starts to build up.

Feeling overwhelmed… unable to be assertive and solve problems…

Always worrying about your business… even when you’re out the office spending time with friends and family…

You may even find your anxiety issues are affecting your personal life. Your intimate relationships are strained, you’re not in the mood to see friends… maybe you find yourself getting irritated more easily...

And it’s frustrating.

You’ve built a very successful business...

You’re pulling in 6, 7 or even 8-figures every year…

But no matter how successful you are...

Huge, Impenetrable Mental Barriers Seem To Block You From Moving Forward In Life and With Your Business.

You find yourself…

Making excuses to avoid high-pressure situations
Dreading giving presentations or pitching new clients…
Experiencing PHYSICAL symptoms… the racing heart, the tightening of the chest… problems sleeping...
Feeling overwhelmed… unable to be assertive and solve problems…
Always worrying about your business… even when you’re out the office spending time with friends and family…

Huge, Impenetrable Mental Barriers Seem To Block You From Moving Forward In Life and With Your Business.


And, no matter how hard you try…

You can’t seem to break through these barriers…

Carrying those stresses and anxieties with you every day of your life.

The GOOD news is that today, I’m going to show you how to permanently overcome anxiety…

Eliminate all of those negative thoughts…

And regain the confidence you need to run and grow your business with NOTHING getting in your way.

A bold claim, huh?


My name’s Barry McDonagh and I’m the founder of DARE - a company dedicated to helping business owners like you overcome anxiety for GOOD.

I know, first-hand, how tough running a successful business can be.

It’s hard work.

You’re expected to be a natural-born leader.

People look UP to you…

People depend on you…

And your entire life revolves around your business… it’s on your mind 24/7…

And in the past, you figured it was just “part of the job.”

But over time, it’s got worse…

You find yourself worrying more… 

You feel like you’ve hit a mental roadblock…

You DREAD everyday business situations…

And you’re sick and tired of feeling like this.

Now, just to clarify

We’re not talking about “everyday anxiety” here.

That’s something every business owner faces…

We’re talking about the kind of crippling anxiety that’s preventing you from running your 6, 7 or 8-figure business optimally…

And ultimately...

You want your LIFE back…

A life free from anxiety and one where your business can THRIVE.

If any of this sounds like you, then I urge you to continue reading.

Because I have a solution for you…

And I’m going to show you how - in just weeks - you can completely break through your anxiety issues and regain your confidence.

You see...

Right Now, You Probably Fall Into One Of These Three Categories:

You’re not sure if you’re suffering with anxiety but a LOT of what we’re talking about is resonating with you. You realize you do struggle in high-pressure situations… you do find it difficult to concentrate or make decisions… you find yourself dreading - or even AVOIDING situations at work… preventing you from living up to your potential and running your business optimally…


You know anxiety is affecting you and your business… but you don’t know what to do. You want to have the confidence to make those sales pitches… give hard-hitting presentations… stop finding excuses to leave high-pressure situations… but you don’t know where to begin. You feel overwhelmed at the thought of making decisions, managing a team and running your business... and end up focusing ALL your attention on work, hoping things will just “get back to normal”...


You’re already tried to get help for your anxiety… but nothing’s changed and you’ve seen no improvement. Maybe you’ve tried therapy. Maybe your doctor’s put you on medications… maybe you’ve tried every self-help book or meditation app there is… bottom line, you’ve TRIED to get over your anxiety but nothing’s stuck… and you’re starting to wonder if you’ll ever get over it and regain your confidence.

Which of those sounds more like you?

Maybe all three… maybe it’s a combination…

The GOOD news is that whichever it is, what I’m about to share with you will help you overcome your anxiety for good…

And we’ll do it without looking back into your childhood… without spending months or years in therapy…

And without everything you've already tried like “mindfulness” or “taking a step back” from work.

The tools and techniques I’m going to share with you are VERY effective. They work like a kill switch for anxiety...

And they let successful business owners like you COMPLETELY breakthrough anxiety issues - for GOOD - in a matter of weeks.

In fact...

I’m Going To PROVE I Can Help You And Your Business…

But first, I want to tell you a bit more about myself… and how I KNOW I can help you.

My name’s Barry McDonagh, and for many years I was a chronic sufferer of anxiety.

I suffered panic attacks… that feeling where your heart is pounding so fast you think you’re doing to die…

And it scared me. More than anything else I’ve ever encountered to this day.

Things got worse… I developed severe anxiety…

And EVERY MOMENT OF MY LIFE was either worrying about when the next attack would come… or dealing with a panic attack. 

It was like living a nightmare I couldn’t escape….

And It Felt Like I Was Losing My Mind.

One night… and I remember it incredibly well… I hit what I’d now call “rock bottom”.

I was lying on the floor of my bedroom… and for the first time in my life I had some clarity.

I could actually see that I’d been approaching everything the completely WRONG way.

I was actually fuelling my anxiety problem by the way I was responding to each and every anxious thought…

And for the next few months, I tried some techniques. I started to “retool” how I acted when I got nervous… 

I changed the way I thought when I started to feel those panic attacks coming on…

And it worked so well for me - I started to write about it online.

The Response Was Almost Immediate.

Within a few hours I had people - STRANGERS - on the Internet telling me they’d tried my techniques… and they’d worked for them, too!

Fast forward 20 years...

Today, I’m A Best-Selling Author and Creator Of The “DARE” Program.

My first book - Panic Away - sold more than 80,000 copies…

And I’ve helped more than 200,000 people free themselves from anxiety and panic attacks through effective, “anyone can use them” techniques and tools.

I’ve spoken at events all around the world, been featured on many TV shows and continue to help people transform their lives and take back control.

Now, I don’t tell you all of that to brag…

But I do want you to know what I’m talking about.

I’ve made it my “life mission” to help people…

To help people avoid what I went through when I was younger - and to live a happy, confident, anxiety-free life where the sky really is the limit.

One of my books is the number-one best seller on Amazon for “Anxiety”...

I’ll be honest, it feels amazing to have helped so many people…

But there’s one specific group of people who need very specific help and support…

And if you’re reading this page - there’s a good chance that’s you.

You see...

When It Comes To Anxiety… Business Owners and Entrepreneurs Are Completely Neglected...

And I started noticing this a few years ago.

I was receiving an alarming number of emails and messages from successful business owners who were really struggling with anxiety.

And I’m not talking about start-ups or small brick-and-mortar companies…

I’m talking about people like YOU - those doing 6, 7 or even 8 figures…

Desperately wanting to overcome their anxiety issues and run their business like a boss…

But were unable to get the support they needed to deal with their specific situation.

See, traditional anxiety treatments usually don’t work for business owners…

After all, you face totally unique challenges and stresses…

And conventional anxiety treatments simply don’t help with these stresses.

Plus, if you’re like most business owners I know, you simply don’t have time to spend hours every week slipping off to see a therapist.

You have a company to run. You have employees to manage, clients to please, finances to monitor…

You’re so busy actually running your business…

Working in high-pressure situations everyday…

You have no choice BUT to perform.

You know something’s holding you back…

And you WANT a way to overcome it…

But you need a solution that works FAST.

A solution that lets you ERADICATE all that stress, anxiety and fear right away…

And you want something you know will work.

I hear you…

And it’s EXACTLY why I’m here talking to you today…

Because I want to share with you my PROVEN approach that’s helped hundreds of thousands of people overcome their anxiety issues…

And that I’ve now “tweaked” exclusively for successful business owners like yourself...

Allowing any entrepreneur to overcome their anxiety and perform to their absolute best.

I’ll tell you more about it in just a moment…

But first, let me assure you...

This Approach Works. It’s Designed For Successful Business Owners Like You...

And here, see for yourself what people are saying about it…


Today, you can start your journey to overcome anxiety for good…

And then?

Nothing Will Hold You Back… Fear, Indecisiveness and Anxiety? 
A Thing Of The Past.

Finally, you’ll be able to feel confident running your business.

You’ll find yourself pitching to new clients… WITHOUT your chest feeling tight or your throat getting dry…

You’ll be able to attend functions, events and networking sessions… and be HAPPY to approach people and start conversations…

You’ll be able to stop looking for ways to escape high-pressure situations… able to remain cool, calm and collected at all times…

You’ll be able to empower your employees and be the leader you’ve always wanted…

Best of all…

You won’t ever have that worry that you’re losing your mind...

You won’t have to feel ashamed… like anxiety’s holding you back…

And you'll be able to live a life FREE of anxiety…

Fulfilling your potential and FEELING it.

Now, you may think this all sounds too good to be true…

That you can’t possibly overcome your anxiety… something that’s plagued you for all these years…

Believe me, it IS possible…

And in just a moment I’m going to show you how…

But there is a “catch”.

You see, this very page is being sent to thousands of successful business owners just like you. 

As you can imagine, it’s going to generate a BIG response…

And that’s why I want you to waste no time and discover...

Dare: VIP Coaching: The Only Coaching Program Helping High-Level Business Owners Overcome Their Anxiety.

Dare: VIP Coaching is a 6-week coaching program to help business owners overcome their anxiety issues and regain full and complete control over their lives.

It’s designed for ANY business owner or entrepreneur who’s successful…

But who knows their anxiety is holding them back.

It’s also based around PROVEN strategies that are laser-targeted to your specific needs.

This approach means you don’t need to spend hours journaling or practicing mental exercises…

And you’ll spend just 30 minutes each week getting to the core of your anxiety issues and overcoming them.

If you’re a suitable match for the program you’ll work one-on-one with a licensed clinical therapist for the full 6 weeks.

They’ll help you discover exactly how to overcome your anxiety and start seeing improvements in your business and personal life…

And they’ll do this by building a custom blueprint strategy to pinpoint exactly what’s causing your anxiety…

And the strategies to help you overcome it - for good.

Now, I know you’re busy… you run a business, your day-to-day life is hectic… you probably even have a family to provide for…

And that’s exactly why Dare: VIP Coaching is designed to deliver results FAST.

Remember, you only need to set aside 30 minutes every week!

In fact, we don’t aim to help you cope with anxiety…

Dare: VIP Coaching is designed to let you PERMANENTLY overcome anxiety issues in your life…

And while you can never eradicate anxiety completely…

With the right tools you CAN breakthrough it… so it no longer affects you...

Letting you unleash your full potential, grow your business and regain your confidence.

Dare: VIP Coaching is completely confidential and in just 6 weeks from now you could be living a completely different life…

Free from all the worries, stresses and frustrations that anxiety causes.

How Dare: VIP Coaching Works

If you’re accepted to join Dare: VIP Coaching you’ll start off with a “deep dive call” with your qualified DARE therapist.

This one-hour call is your chance to get to know your therapist and talk through the particular issues holding you back in business - and life.

Your therapist will start exploring what’s causing your issues from day one and will also take a note of your “anxiety level.” This is the metric we use to track your progress over the next 6 weeks.

After your initial call your therapist will create a tailor-made “Roadmap” outlining exactly what steps are required for you to make a recovery and beat anxiety for good.

This Roadmap is different for everyone, but it may include specific guided visualizations, tailored audios and other laser-targeted learning resources that are designed to address the unique way your anxiety manifests for you.

You will then have five 30-minute calls with your therapist over the next 6 weeks. 

During these calls your therapist will give you specific, EFFECTIVE tools and tactics to start overcoming your anxiety problems…

And remember, these aren’t your everyday, run-of-the-mill exercises you read online, in magazines or in self-help books (many of which end up being COUNTERINTUITIVE and worsen your symptoms!)

These tools and techniques are laser-focused to your specific needs… meaning they work FAST.

All you need is half an hour every week…

And you’ll IMMEDIATELY start to see the results.

Your therapist will also be holding you accountable; yes, you will be required to put the work in. Your “anxiety score” will also be taken on each call to make sure you’re progressing.

You can schedule your call for any time of day you like. Better yet, you’ll speak to your therapist over the phone, so you don’t need to be sitting in front of a computer…

Just find somewhere quiet where you won’t be disturbed for 30 minutes and pick up the phone to have a confidential call with your therapist.

Dare: VIP Coaching Is Like A “Kill Switch” For Anxiety...

And it’s going to let you completely break through your anxiety issues and thrive in all parts of your life…

In a way that minimizes time away from your business and gives you visible results in just 30 minutes every week.

It’s not just the weekly sessions with your therapist either…

You’ll also be offered the chance to join a confidential bi-weekly Zoom call, hosted by yours truly and attended by other successful business owners like yourself.

This call is your chance to connect with like minded individuals and is a way for you to join a “support network” with people in a similar situation.

This call is optional… although I highly recommend joining.

You will also get unlimited email support from your DARE therapist for the duration of the 6 weeks.

Whether you’ve got a specific question about your recovery plan or want guidance on something…

You’ll be able to email your therapist as much as you like during the program. This maximizes DARE: VIP Coaching’s effectiveness and makes sure you’re getting all the support you need to overcome your anxiety.

Dare: VIP Coaching Is Like A “Kill Switch” For Anxiety...

And make no mistake…

You can recover 100% from anxiety and get back to doing what you do best…

Running - and growing - a business.

Just think about that for a moment:

Overcoming your anxiety means...

* No more hesitation in making those BIG decisions…

* Increased confidence… which could mean giving better presentations, closing more prospects or talking to clients...

* An IMPROVED social life… better physical health… and healthier lifestyle choices…

And here at DARE, we focus on permanent recovery.

That means when you overcome your anxiety issues, it’ll be a lifelong change.

Your personalized Roadmap will be a BIG part of your recovery…

And the plan you make with your therapist will make things SIMPLE for you - but it won’t be easy.

When I say simple, I mean crystal-clear, actionable tools and strategies. In as few steps as possible and as quickly as possible.

However, completely overcoming your anxiety is going to take work. It’s going to take determination. And you need to be READY to take back control of your life.

Part of your 6-week plan will push you outside of your comfort zone…

But believe me when I tell you that’s a good thing. And that’s how you’ll begin seeing results.

Dare: VIP Coaching works, and the DARE clinical therapist you’ll be working with knows what they’re doing. It’s been proven time and time again…

And if you’re willing to commit just 6 weeks to the program… and 30 minutes each session...

You WILL overcome your anxiety and regain your creativity, ingenuity, bravery… and confidence.

Dare: VIP Coaching uses PROVEN strategies - the exact same ones I’ve used to help hundreds of thousands of people all over the world…

And at the end of the program you’ll FINALLY be back where you want to be… running a successful business, able to make cut-throat decisions and earning more money.

Now, you’re probably wondering how you can apply to join Dare: VIP Coaching...

And if you’re interested in transforming your life we’d like to invite you to have...

An Initial 30-Minute Consultation Call

My team and I have set aside some extra time this week to take on a few additional new clients.

This 30-minute consultation call is completely free of charge and there are no obligations.

The purpose of this call is to make sure we can help you and figure out what’s really holding you back in your business life.

It’s a quick, private chat to figure out how anxiety is affecting you and your business…

As I said, there is no cost for the initial consultation, but I do want to make something clear…

If You Decide To Join The Dare: VIP Coaching Program You Will Need To Invest In Yourself.


If you’re looking for a FAST way to overcome your anxiety using methods with a PROVEN track record…

Then I advise you to schedule your call today. Right now.

Now, you may be thinking “what’s the rush?”

Aside from the fact that the sooner you start overcoming your anxiety the sooner your life will change for the better…

This webpage is also going out to thousands of business owners right now. As you can imagine, there’s going to be a HUGE response…

And in order to minimize time-wasters and make sure we’re helping the RIGHT people…

I’d like you to read the next part of this page very carefully.

This Is NOT For Everyone
Here’s Who We Can Help...

Unfortunately, there are only so many hours in a day, and only so many business owners we can help. This means we’ve implemented some strict (but fair) criteria that need to be met before we start helping you:

1. You must already HAVE a successful business. I don’t mind whether you sell products online or own a factory. What DOES matter is that your business is up, running - and bringing in significant revenue. DARE: VIP Coaching focuses on helping successful business owners with anxiety… not those who are starting a business for the first time or struggling to grow an existing one. If you join DARE: VIP Coaching you will need to invest in yourself. This means you run a mid-6 or 7-figure + business. 

2. You must be willing to work on your core issues. Your therapist will help you pinpoint EXACTLY what’s causing your issues and will create a tailor-made blueprint to help you quickly and permanently overcome your anxiety. That doesn’t mean revisiting your childhood or spending years in therapy (this program is 6 weeks and aims for FULL recovery) but you must be prepared to open up and challenge yourself in a very real way.

3. You must be an action-taker who will follow advice. Like I said, your therapist will create a tailor-made blueprint specific to your needs. It will help you immensely, but it will also push you. That’s the point. If you’re not willing to actually apply the techniques and strategies you learn this is NOT for you. We aim to help 100% of our clients fully overcome their anxiety. (In fact, we even return the fee if we’re unable to get you results!) This isn’t for you if you’re a tyre-kicker or won’t follow your therapist’s advice.

They may sound strict, but ultimately, we have “skin in the game” too. We have a 100% proven track-record in helping our clients permanently break through their anxiety issues…

And before accepting you to join the DARE: VIP Coaching program we want to be absolutely sure we can help you transform your life.

Meet all three of the criteria above? Great!

Here’s What I Want You To Do Next:

If you meet all 3 criteria above and you’re ready to overcome your anxiety, take back control and experience a full, PERMANENT recovery, I’d like you to talk with one of our specialized team members.

Here’s what to do next.

1. Head over to *****CALENDLY LINK*****.  You’ll see an interactive calendar with all our available appointment times for the next few days. Choose a time that works for you.

2. You’ll then be asked to fill out a short application so we can learn a bit more about you and your situation. Please be as honest as possible - it helps us connect you with the right therapist and makes sure you get the most from your initial consultation.

3. Pick up the phone at the time you picked!

You’ll then have your free 30-minute consultation. If you’re happy - and we’re confident we can help - we’ll talk you through the next steps.

Remember, we’re not looking to help you manage your anxiety. We’re going for FULL recovery. And that means you overcoming your anxiety no matter how bad or long you’ve struggled.

<<< Schedule Your 30-Minute Consultation Here  >>>

WARNING: Time Is A Factor...

As I mentioned earlier, this letter is being sent to tens of thousand of business owners and our highly-trained therapists can only work with a small number of clients. Book your free consultation call now because we simply can’t work with everyone.

If you’re ready to overcome your anxiety for GOOD and see incredible changes in your business and personal life, click here, book your free session and let’s talk! >>> CLICK HERE

Talk soon 

Barry McDonagh

BA, Dip Psych and Founder of DARE Response

P.S. Let’s be clear about one thing. This isn’t about reliving memories from your childhood. This isn’t a mindfulness course or guided meditation time. This is you working with a licensed clinical therapist for 6 weeks using a proven methodology to overcome your anxiety once and for all.

If you’re ready to regain your confidence, end anxious, negative and intrusive thoughts once and for all and easily face any situation you come across (no matter how anxious it used to make you book your initial consultation here >>>

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