Week 1

This is the first week of the Breakthrough Coaching Course

Dr Harry Barry on why he believes panic attacks are so very treatable.

This is day 2 of the coaching program and today I want to explain why panic are not dangerous. You will also hear from Dr Harry Barry on why he believes panic attacks are so very treatable.

IMPORTANT: As this week is all about healing anxiety first on a physical level, we will be looking at different areas like diet and the correct supplements. I will also be showing you an exercise routine I want you to implement for all this month that will really help buffer you against feelings of stress.

Why diet matters

This is day 3 of the coaching program and today we are going to discuss diet and what supplements I recommended people with anxiety and panic attacks take.

The right amount of supplements to take

This is day 4 of the coaching program. No lesson today except to remind you to start taking your supplements today. 250mg Magnesium and 500mg Calcium with your evening meals.

In week 2, you will take this same amount with breakfast. As always if you have any concerns about taking supplements consult your doctor.

Physical Level

So far you should now be

  • Taking your supplements with your evening meal.
  • Taking Rescue Remedy in the morning (and during the day as needed)
  • Drinking more water and ensuring it is topped up and placed in strategic locations for the next day.
  • Avoiding caffeine, alcohol and excess sugar.

(You can review yesterdays video where all of this was covered in the members area by clicking on the lesson before)


The importance of excercise

This is day 2 of the coaching program and today I want to explain why panic are not dangerous. You will also hear from Dr Harry Barry on why he believes panic attacks are so very treatable.

IMPORTANT: As this week is all about healing anxiety first on a physical level, we will be looking at different areas like diet and the correct supplements. I will also be showing you an exercise routine I want you to implement for all this month that will really help buffer you against feelings of stress.

Action Points

So far you have been given the steps that will dramatically reduce the sensitization your body is going through.

Following the action points as outlined below can help you feel dramatically better in just a few days but I have something else I want you to start doing daily to help speed this process even further.

I have a very special audio called Deep Release that will allow you to release a lot of the physical and mental tension that you are holding onto.

I want you to listen to this audio daily in a seated or lying position daily. You can do this in the morning or the evening before bed. (Do not listen to it while or doing any task that needs your attention e.g. driving)

This audio is very effective in calming your nervous system so please ensure you listen to it daily. It lays the foundation of your recovery by reducing the anxious sensitization of your nervous system.

Remember only you can get the results you are looking for so please follow the steps as outlined below.


Action Points:

So far you should be :

Physical Level

  • Taking your supplements with your evening meal.
  • Taking Rescue Remedy in the morning (and during the day as needed)
  • Drinking more water and ensuring it is placed in strategic locations.
  • Avoiding caffeine, alcohol and excess sugar.
  • Skipping daily for a minimum of 20 minutes (see day 4)
  • Listening to the mp3 Deep Release Daily

​How are you doing so far?

How are you doing so far?

Do you remember on the very first day (Day 1 video) I asked you to think about how your life might be different once you overcome your panic attacks and get your anxiety levels down?

That exercise is important as it will keep you focused on the end goal and give you the motivation to stick to this.

Everything I ask you to do during this coaching program is for a specific purpose. It all ties together and you will feel the benefit of it come together in the last week of the program.

So please don’t stop! Keep going!

Keep taking the supplements, keep exercising , keep drinking your water daily, keep listening to the deep release audio. You are about to feel a whole lot better very soon.

This is the gift of freedom you are giving back to yourself.

Tomorrow we start into Week 2 the ‘Mental’ Week. This is where you learn a very unique technique called the One Move™, to stop your panic attacks manifesting.

I will also be showing you how to apply it in a variety of different situations.

Things are about to get exciting. Hold fast!


P.S. As we are entering week 2, starting tomorrow and for the rest of the coaching program start taking 250mg magnesium and 500mg with your breakfast as well as your evening meal.