HOW EVERYTHING STARTED It was summer 2014. I was married, had a wonderful 2 year-old…
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Dare was the start of my journey
Up until the spring of 2016 I was a strong successful business woman. I had…
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I was a complete textbook case of anxiety!
I wanted to share my story just as others bravely have to reinforce the astounding…
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I was sick of anxiety and sick of it ruling my life.
I had a good pregnancy, nothing about it was particularly bad. I was happy, maybe…
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I felt like someone finally understood how I felt, it was amazing!
I’ve had GAD since I was a child but I didn’t know what it was.…
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The sensations were starting with my heart rate picking up a bit, but I was still okay.
My first anxiety attack happened in 2006 when I flew from Los Angeles to Houston.…
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DARE helped me to understand the difference between true anxiety and just the anticipatory excited feelings
Easter day of 2006, I was in line for the Indiana Jones’s ride at Disneyland…
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DARE has been in teaching me to surrender control and not sweat over everything.
It all started 16 years ago when I was a victim of a traumatic drugging…
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I stopped doing what I loved
Hi, I’m Charlie and I’d like to tell you about my experience using Dare. I’ve…
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Believe in yourself and never EVER give up
Too early in my life, my mother and two brothers passed away in a tragic…
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Making friends with my anxiety.
Seven years ago I started to suffer anxiety and panic attacks. Suddenly I felt like…
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I started to put myself in even scarier situations
My name is Brian I am a student and I live in California. Throughout my…
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Steve B. “I have said it before but DARE gave me my life back”
I can remember the day that I found Dare, which was quite by chance. I…
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Gwen M, “Jump and the net will appear”. Trust in the process.
Hi everyone!! I haven’t been on here much because I’ve been daring away! Before I…
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100% More confident
I only purchased the Panic Away program 2 weeks ago, and I am already feeling…
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