Morning Anxiety? How to Enjoy an Anxiety-Free Morning

Many people who suffer from panic and anxiety attacks on a regular basis find that the simple act of getting up in the morning starts the cycle. The reason for this is because your body is coming out of sleep and any feelings of anxiety are exaggerated.

Most of us are not ‘morning’ people, so when you add anxiety to the equation you can see why mornings are usually the most anxious time of the day for people with an anxiety disorder.

Desensitizing your body from being in an anxious state takes a lot of time and patience, and there are several things you can do first thing in the morning to get your day off to a great start.

If you start your day off right, you’ll notice that your anxiety levels are much lower than usual for the rest of the day. A few simple things is all it takes to reduce anxiety naturally.

One of the first things to do when you get up in the morning is to undertake a light stretching session. Breathe deeply and gently stretch out your arms and legs. This increases circulation throughout your body and freshens up your mind. It’s best to avoid checking your anxiety level at this stage, and try and stay focused on the movements you are doing.

Another simple exercise is to set your alarm clock about twenty to thirty minutes earlier than usual so that you can spend some time alone. You can release worries by taking some time alone to write down what is on your mind. Writing your fears down in a worry diary is one of the quickest ways to release them. Creating this extra space for yourself in the morning allows you to feel more in control of the day rather than always running to catch up.

You can also organize your day the night before so you’re not waking up rushed. Set aside fifteen to twenty minutes each night to pack your bag, choose your outfit and handle other details that often preoccupy your time each morning.

Don’t be afraid to be selfish with your time. Regardless if live alone or have a big family to look after, you owe it to yourself to take control of your day and get every day off to a great start!