Top Tip for Anxiety Sufferers

A Panic Away member shares a tip with us. He keeps the Panic Away program saved on his phone. When he begins to feel anxious looks back on the Panic Away material- any time, any place.panic away members shares a tip with us. He keeps the Panic Away program saved on his phone. When he begins to feel anxious looks back on the Panic Away material- any time, any place.

 The best thing that I could suggest to anyone is to put the Panic Away PDF on your iphone or any other type of Phone/PDA that can read PDF’s .

The very moment that I felt something was not right I could refer to that section of the book no matter where I was, no matter what time of day and no matter who I was with .. I could read what I need to put back in prospective, what was happening to me. I found that sometimes in the heat of an anxiety attack I would forget what to do …so I would go strait to My Iphone pull up the Panic Away search for the section I wanted to read on …and 9 times out of 10 I felt fine before I could even finish the section. Two things happen here one is reasurence from the book and the other is distraction.

 This is a great idea! Thanks for sharing with us. The combination of reassurance with distraction is perfect in helping you to overcome your anxiety.

 What is your anxiety distraction?